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e-fuels2go AG is not respons­ible for any con­tents linked or referred to in these pages dir­ectly or indir­ectly, unless it has full know­ledge of illegal con­tents and would be able to pre­vent the vis­it­ors to its site from view­ing those pages. e-fuels2go AG there­fore expressly declares that at the time the links were set up, the linked pages were free of illegal con­tent. e-fuels2go AG has no influ­ence what­so­ever on the cur­rent and future design and con­tent of the linked pages. For this reason, e-fuels2go AG hereby expressly dis­tances itself from all con­tent of all linked and/or ref­er­enced pages that were changed after the link was cre­ated. This state­ment applies to all links and ref­er­ences cre­ated within its own web­site as well as to entries by third parties in news areas and mail­ing lists set up by e-fuels2go AG. Liab­il­ity for illegal, incor­rect or incom­plete con­tent – and in par­tic­ular for dam­ages res­ult­ing from the use or non-use of such inform­ation – lies solely with the pro­vider of the site to which ref­er­ence is made and not with the per­son who merely refers to the respect­ive pub­lic­ation via links.

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Suhr, Octo­ber 2020