A technological innovation that is both sustainable and competitive – e-fuels.


e-fuels2go AG’s four areas of expertise


Trade in e-fuels and the mar­ket­ing of their green cre­den­tials


Devel­op­ment and pro­vi­sion of spe­cific e-fuels


Com­ple­tion of pur­chase agree­ments with industry part­ners


Imple­ment­ation of logist­ics and infra­struc­ture solu­tions


As a renewable resource, e-fuels impress on every level

  • e-fuels are among the best altern­at­ives for elim­in­at­ing envir­on­ment­ally harm­ful green­house gases.
  • e-fuels require no invest­ment in logist­ics, infra­struc­ture or dis­tri­bu­tion sys­tems.
  • e-fuels bridge the gap in time and space between sup­ply and demand.
  • e-fuels pre­vent green­house gas emis­sions imme­di­ately and in exist­ing sys­tems.


Climate neutral fuel from CO₂ and renewable energy

In simple terms, the pro­duc­tion of e-meth­anol requires two key ingredi­ents: renew­able energy and CO₂. When burned, e-meth­anol emits the same amount of CO₂ that was taken from the envir­on­ment dur­ing its pro­duc­tion, mak­ing it cli­mate neut­ral.


e-fuels are a modern energy source for a world which protects its resources.