
Chemical industry

With a pro­duc­tion volume of around 100 mil­lion tons per year, meth­anol is one of the most import­ant chem­ical raw mater­ials. It serves as the basis for the man­ufac­ture of a wide range of products in indus­tries related to plastics, food, medi­cine and energy.

e-fuels offer impress­ive solu­tions with the fol­low­ing key bene­fits.

chemical industry e-fuels

Decarbonization of the chemical industry

The syn­thesis gas required for the pro­duc­tion of meth­anol today is mainly obtained from fossil raw mater­ials such as nat­ural gas and coal. The chem­ical industry, there­fore, has great poten­tial for redu­cing harm­ful CO₂ emis­sions, which could be exploited by using e-meth­anol. 

Even though "fossil" meth­anol can be pro­duced much more cost-effect­ively than e-meth­anol due to the cur­rent frame­work con­di­tions, the more eco­lo­gical altern­at­ive will find a mar­ket, espe­cially among envir­on­ment­ally con­scious cus­tom­ers and pro­du­cers.

e-meth­anol enables the chem­ical industry to play its part in the fight against cli­mate change.